
Socialist Alliance adds it voice to the growing international chorus demanding the immediate release of Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky and the dropping of the trumped-up charge of “justifying terrorism”. 

Workers need a fairer, democratically accountable, transparent and responsive alternative to the Reserve Bank of Australia, argues Graham Matthews.

The Robodebt letters were deliberately designed without a phone number for people to call, the intention being that they quietly pay up online. Peter Martin reports on the sinister science behind such decisions.

More than three decades after the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, no capitalist country has made any serious effort to decarbonise. Alex Bainbridge argues for system change.

Organising community solidarity helps defend LGBTIQ rights, a roundtable concluded. Rachel Evans reports.

A CFMEU initiative for a corporate super profit tax to fund social and affordable housing couldn’t have come at a better time. Pip Hinman reports.

The No campaign opposes the movement for First Nations sovereignty and a genuine, continent-wide, Treaty process. But the Yes campaign politically surrenders to the right on this core issue, argues Peter Boyle.

Online protests have stopped Johnson & Johnson from enforcing secondary patents on a critical drug used to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Joshua Nicholls reports.

Nova Sobieralski and Chloe Holmes delivered the following presentations to the 'Queer Liberation for All: Opposing the Anti-Trans Hysteria' session at Ecosocialism 2023.

“Something that pretends to be a great change, but provides none, is not a step in the right direction”, argues the Blak Sovereign Movement.

The stakes are high. “Ecosocialism or extinction” is not an empty phrase, Susan Price argues, when discussing capitalism and its rapacious drive for profit and how we win a democratic, ecologically sustainable, safe climate future.

Here is a compilation of videos from Ecosocialism 2023: A World Beyond Capitalism conference, hosted by Green Left and co-sponsored by Socialist Alliance.