Tamil Genocide Day rally

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


2:00pm Sunday 19 May


Sydney Town Hall square
Sydney NSW


15 years on and still no justice!

In May 2009, the beaches and plains of Mullivaikkal shuddered from bomb blasts in internationally declared no-fire zones. The sands of our own homeland became stained with blood as the Sri Lankan military trapped and slaughtered tens of thousands of Tamils in a genocidal offensive against the people's struggle for a Tamil homeland.

In the final years of the liberation war, an estimated 169,376 Tamils were killed or disappeared (World Bank Data Households 2007 Government data).

Governments around the world, including Australia, were complicit in arming and condoning these actions, while also labeling all people involved in the Eelam Tamil liberation movement as “terrorists”.

15 years have passed since the peak of the genocide, yet the war criminals responsible remain in senior positions of leadership within the military and government. And still the world continues to support them.

The situation continues to be unsafe for Tamils, with their lands, sacred sites, and livelihoods subjected to daily genocidal acts including murder, sexual abuse, torture, and incarceration. Many Tamils fearing persecution continue to seek refuge in other countries.

May 2024 marks a moment for mourning the dead, but we must also fight like hell for the living.

Please join us to commemorate 15 years since the Mullivaikkal massacre.

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