I will come straight to the point.
We are rapidly coming to the end of the year and we still need to raise $59,536 to meet Green Left Weekly’s $250,000 Fighting Fund target for the year.
Our supporters have raised $190,424 so far this year, but we need an extraordinary effort in the rest of November and December to make our target.
GLW is a people-powered independent media project. We go against the stream in a society where public debate is dominated by the slick, self-serving corporate media.
The corporate media uses all their resources to try to shape our attitudes and limit our imaginations. Their slogan is: A different world is unimaginable and not possible.
But now there is an explosion of dissent in the home of corporate monopoly. On November 18, the Occupy Wall Street movement began the third month of mass protest against the tyranny of the richest 1%.
All the violence thrown at this movement does not seem to have dented its confidence. It keeps bouncing back.
More than 30,000 workers, students and other members of the 99% took to the streets of New York City on November 17. They marched across the Brooklyn Bridge, the scene of mass arrests of protesters in September.
They blockaded all entry points to the New York Stock Exchange; hundreds took part in non-violent civil disobedience. And around the US new occupations by the 99% keep sprouting.
But did you read much about all this in the corporate media? Or see much of it on the TV news? Do you hear about the life-changing discussions being had in this new movement? Do you share in their confidence that “This is our moment”?
“This is our moment” describes exactly the predicament of GLW today. This is exactly the time when we see our potential to help change the world. And we are running hard. Readers of our website will have noticed the daily updates, bringing breaking news of the new movement to readers.
This is why you're needed to help keep GLW funded. If we don’t make our target, we will end the year in deficit and have to borrow and hope to pay back in the future.
This is the time to hit the loose change jar, to do a quick whip around of friends and family, to hold a small fundraising barbecue in your backyard or local park or run a little raffle for the GLW Fighting Fund.
Any supporter who can make a major donation to the GLW Fighting Fund is asked to contact us urgently before the year is up. Of course, we are always happy to accept contributions of any size.
You can donate online today. Direct deposits can be made to Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 00901992. Otherwise, you can send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007 or donate on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia).