Coral Wynter & Jim McIlroy, Santiago On February 18, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos denied that Chile was involved with the United States in forming a common front to counteract the influence in the region of the Venezuelan government of Hugo
The following statement was endorsed by a large number of women and women's organisations across Australia last week following PM John Howard's latest anti-Muslim comments. We are a group of Australian women from diverse ethnic and cultural
Kevin Healy, Melbourne Since Bill Hartley died at the age of 76 on February 18, a number of friends have spontaneously proffered that it is the end of an era. Looking at Bill's 76 years, it is not hard to understand why — he became part of the
On February 17, Aceh Referendum Information Centre (SIRA) offices in West Aceh were attacked by militia, who destroyed a typewriter, radio and other office equipment. They also took documents including records of SIRA meetings and pushed SIRA staff
Susan Price, Sydney On February 21, staff at the University of NSW launched their 2006 enterprise bargaining campaign. The launch, organised by the UNSW branch of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), coincided with the first day of
Socialism on TrialBy James P CannonResistance Books, 1999200 pages, $17.95Available at Resistance bookshops (see page 2) or order at <http://www.resistancebooks.com> REVIEW BY JON PICCINI AND STELLA RIETHMULLER The Howard government
British singer Morrissey has been questioned by British intelligence and the FBI after expressing his opposition to the US-led war on Iraq and Britain's involvement. According to British MTV, Morrissey, who has described US President George Bush as a
SYDNEY — Members of Resistance, the Greens, the Uniting Church's Tertiary Students Association and Socialist Alternative picketed the University of NSW military recruitment stall on February 23 during the campus orientation week. "People come to
Maurice Farrell On February 19, 5000 paper hearts were planted on the lawn of the Mardi Gras fair day under the banner, "All love is equal", organised by the NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL). The same day, Community Action Against
Doug Lorimer On February 15, the US House of Representatives adopted a resolution by 404 to 4 votes condemning "the government of Iran for violating its international nuclear non-proliferation obligations and expressing support for efforts to
At the January World Social Forum in Caracas, Green Left Weekly's Rachel Evans and Maurice Farrell caught up with Ricardo Hung from the Alianza Lambda gay-rights organisation and Moises Rivera Lopez, the coordinator of the Sexual Riverside Network
Anne Goddard Shadow minister for resources Martin Ferguson has joined the "nuclear push". This is despite the fact that the ALP's policy recognises that uranium mining presents "unprecedented hazards and risks", including threats to human health