BY NIKKI ULASOWSKI SYDNEY — Organised around the theme, "Which way forward for women's liberation? Women of the world working together", the 2001 Network of Women Students Australia (NOWSA) conference held in Sydney on July 16-20 was attended by
Dismal science "My theory is that the nakedness of a woman is related to the performance of an economy. When an economy becomes more developed, women seem to wear less." — unnamed economist quoted in Beijing Evening News. They're only
BY LEV LAFAYETTE & ANTHONY LEONG The crucial political question facing any inquiry into the erotica industry under capitalism is whether one places economic class or biological sex as the principal unit of analysis. The article in Green Left
BY EWAN SAUNDERS BRISBANE — Scenes of clashes between protesters and heavily-armed Italian riot police during the G8 summit in Genoa have proved the spark for a concerted propaganda campaign against anti-capitalist groups planning actions during
BY STUART MARTIN PORT KEMBLA — Unions representing workers at BHP Steel have been angered by a decision by Serco to reduce staffing at a number of ambulance stations, including two 24-hour stations. Serco also plans to replace some stations
Speaking to the world The language of the internet is English. This is a result both of its origin and of the dominance of the United States in the world's information technology industries. In the search for new markets there has been a major
[In the largest such march in the history of the country, 1.2 million Cubans marched through Havana on July 26, the 48th anniversary of Fidel Castro's assault on the Moncada Barracks, the first shot of the Cuban Revolution. Here we reprint an English
BY REBECCA MECKELBURG ADELAIDE — "The debate about globalisation is about moving from 'policy' to protest — not protest to policy", said M1 and Socialist Alliance activist Leslie Richmond, at a Politics in the Pub forum on July 26. The forum,
BY ANNE O'CASEY MELBOURNE — Civil libertarians and activist groups are gearing up for a campaign to defeat the Victorian Labor government's plans to introduce new legislation giving police wide-ranging powers to violently disperse political
Nestles continue lock-out MELBOURNE — Multinational Nestles has continued it's lockout of 100 food process and maintenance workers at Echuca into the seventh week. The lockout is the result of an enterprise bargaining negotiation in which Nestles
BY DAVID BACON CHARLESTON — This September, five dockworkers will go on trial in South Carolina. Elijah Ford Jr., Ricky Simmons, Peter Washington, Jason Edgerton and Kenneth Jefferson face felony riot charges, arising from a confrontation on the
BY ANGELA LUVERA & JON LAND As political repression has increased in Indonesia, Aceh and West Papua, pro-democracy activists in Australia have organised a series of solidarity actions. These protests have condemned the increase in repression by the