On the 20-year anniversary of the formation of the Socialist Alliance, Peter Boyle reflects on its early days and the left's ongoing challenge to link up with broader forces in a struggle for system change.

Wangan and Jagalingou senior cultural custodian Adrian Burragubba speaks to the crowd

Wangan and Jagalingou senior cultural custodian Adrian Burragubba is demanding that the government respect their rights.

Sex workers have welcomed the Queensland Labor government's intention to decriminalise sex work, reports Alex Bainbridge.

POlitical albums from August 2021

Mat Ward takes a look back at August's political news and the best new music that related to it.

More and more US transnationals have opened up in Mexico over the past few decades, taking advantage of unfair trade agreements, super-exploitative labour conditions and cheap utilities, reports Tamara Pearson.

A recording of a public forum on left perspectives of the Afghanistan war and aftermath hosted by Green Left and the Socialist Alliance.

Hundreds of Afghan-Australians marched to the steps of Parliament House in Adelaide to demand the federal government lift the country's humanitarian intake of refugees trying to flee Afghanistan. Kerry Smith reports.

Frontline health workers say the system is “on the brink” as a result of underfunding. Green Left interviewed Maya*, a student nurse, who has been forced to take on a critical role.

The federal government is not off the hook as UNESCO's World Heritage Committee will again vote on whether or not to put the Great Barrier Reef on the “in danger” list next year. Margaret Gleeson reports.

Indigenous peoples are mobilising in huge numbers against a proposal to open up their lands to mining and agribusiness, reports Felipe Goldman Irony.

The primary inspiration for The Red Deal was the People’s Agreement of Cochabamba, adopted at the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in 2010, writes Simon Butler.

After a heroic effort by the Darwin community, the last family of refugees was freed from unjust detention. But they are not stopping there. Pip Hinman reports.