Shirley Shackleton, even with her own tragedy, made common cause with the Timorese people’s struggle and resistance. She will be remembered, writes Stephen Langford.
Stephen Langford
Every Thursday a “honk for Julian” protest takes place outside the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s electoral office in Marrickville. Stephen Langford reports.
Four activists wanting to deliver a letter calling for Julian Assange's release were refused entry to Anthony Albanese electorate office. Stephen Langford reports.
Green Left spoke with Sister Susan Connelly, convenor of the Timor Sea Justice Forum and a co-convenor of the Alliance Against Political Prosecutions, about the latest developments in the Witness K and Bernard Collaery case.
Refugee rights activists protested at the Danish Consulate against that government’s plans to detain asylum seekers and process them in Rwanda. Stephen Langford reports.
World Press Freedom Day on May 3 was marked in many places, including outside the ABC Centre and Channel 7 studios where campaigners for Julian Assange's release gathered. Stephen Langford reports.
Stephen Langford reports on a well-attended meeting in support of the self-determination struggle in West Papua.
Activists organised a vigil for a young Malaysian student who died in the Villawood detention centre, reports Stephen Langford.
Dr Kerryn Phelps, the favorite to win Wentworth, said that while she is 'ashamed' of Australia's refugee policy she did not support allowing the offshore detainees to be resettled here.
Stephen Langford reviews Lindy Nolan's new book, which deals with the divisive role played by the Business Council of Australia (BCA) in Aboriginal communities as it seeks to advance corporate interests.
I was one of the “pro-Palestinian hecklers” that faced off against Alan Dershowitz at the Darling Harbour Convention Centre on February 25.
I heckled because there was no freedom of speech in that United Israel Appeal (UIA) propaganda event. The issues of the stealing of Palestinian land and the killing of Palestinian people were not addressed. I have strong Jewish connections as well as Palestinian friends, some of whom were demonstrating outside, together with the valiant Jews Against the Occupation.

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