Thousands rallied around the country on the 35th weekend of continuous protests against Israel's genocide. Alex Bainbridge reports.
Standing Together is a Jewish-Arab social movement that is part of a burgeoning movement for ceasefire inside Israel. Federico Fuentes spoke with national field organiser Uri Weltmann to find out more about this fledgling peace movement.
The ICC prosecutor’s assessment follows the now increasingly acknowledged claim that Israel’s army and security forces have unleashed needless killing and suffering. Binoy Kampmark reports.
Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist goes through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.
Green Left speaks to Nachshon Amir about his experiences in the Israeli Defense Forces and his journey from growing up Zionist to becoming a supporter of Palestinian rights.
Yorgos Mitralias seeks to answer how it came about that the vast majority of Israeli citizens support and even applaud the genocidal war on the Palestinian people?
Israel claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East. The reality is different. Nachschon Amir, Mai Saif and Meredith Lawrence explain the myth behind Israeli 'democracy' and how it oppresses Palestinians.
Video from the community picket organised by Trade Unionists for Palestine to stop the Israeli ZIM ship from unloading at Webb Dock.
South Africa instituted proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on December 29, on the grounds of genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Mohamed Hanipa Maidin looks at South Africa's case and Israel's response.
Walkley Award-winning Australian-Jewish journalist Antony Loewenstein’s book, The Palestine Laboratory, is a brilliant piece of investigative work, bringing together mountains of research and interviews, which lays bare the relationship between Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinians and its booming arms industry, writes Ben Radford.
Almost 1000 Palestine solidarity activists converged on Parliament House, many travelling from interstate, reports Alex Bainbridge.
Independent investigative journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Antony Loewenstein spoke about his latest book, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, on Green Left Radio. Ruth Heymann reports.
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