
China flag and US flag

Choo Chon Kai, from the Socialist Party of Malaysia, talks to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about rising United States-China tensions and the struggle for peace in Southeast Asia.

Pedal for People and Planet - Philippines

Cyclists joined climate activists in coordinated bicycle actions across nine countries in Asia on November 6, calling for reparations for climate debt, reports Susan Price.

Peter Boyle reports three socialist parties from the Asia-Pacific region have supported the call from Rojava for a no-fly zone to stop a threatened invasion by Turkey.

US-ASEAN Special Summit

The United States is aggressively seeking to revive its waning hegemonic role in the Asia-Pacific. In response, the following joint statement was issued by the Party of the Labouring Masses (Philippines), the Socialist Party of Malaysia and the Working People's Association (Indonesia).

On May Day 2020, several left parties and labour groups in Southeast Asia have come together to issue a joint statement to call for solidarity and put forward working class demands in the times of coronavirus pandemic.

In May, young people carrying a banner "United Front Against Golf Course Development" demonstrated outside the offices of the minister for youth and sport in Jakarta, leading to a heated polemic in the newspapers. A private