Adam Bandt

Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt tells Green Left's Isaac Nellist why he thinks joining the #PeoplesBlockade of the world’s biggest coal port is so important.

Residents across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains continue to express their solidarity with Palestine, despite the temporary truce in Israel’s war on Gaza. Zebedee Parkes and Fred Fuentes report.

Sydney housing protest

The Greens leadership is wrong to focus on getting more MPs and that its someone else’s job to do the “street heat” it knows is needed, argues Sam Wainwright. The changes we urgently need will only come from sustained extra-parliamentary mobilisations.

Melbourne Extinction Rebellion organised three colourful and diverse days of actions on the climate crisis. Mary Merkenich reports.

The negotiated amendments won by the Greens improved Labor’s initial terrible climate "safeguard mechanism", but are not enough to make it worthy of support, argues Alex Bainbridge.

The new Safeguard Mechanism protects the fossil fuel industry and does nothing to save our climate from disaster according to Richard Denniss. Jim McIlroy reports.

Senator Lidia Thorpe has quit the Greens Party to sit on the Senate crossbench and help build a strong grassroots Blak Sovereign Movement. Ben Radford reports. 

The “decade of inaction” that Labor accuses the Greens of instigating is a product of the former’s refusal to take climate action seriously, argues Alex Bainbridge.

Despite efforts by librarians and City of Melbourne councillors to provide library services to refugees detained in the Park Hotel prison it has still not been approved. Marlon Toner-McLachlan reports.

Unemployed and welfare groups are calling on the government not to cut income support at the end of March. Peter Boyle reports.

The government's media bargaining code bill aims to help in the transfer of profits from one section of big capital to another. It will make public interest journalism even more precarious, argues Zebedee Parkes.

While Greens MP Adam Bandt is pushing for a green new deal, Hans A Baer asks why doesn't he also push the Greens to stop being soft on capitalism?