Natalie Mikkelsen

March 4, 1991

Natalie Mikkelsen studies arts/law at Monash University and is a member of the Monash Greens as well as the Women's Collective. She has also participated in the Aboriginal Legal Service and the movement against the Gulf War.

"Feminism describes the most significant form of oppression that most women experience. With your political awakening, it often takes one issue to then open up your eyes to how all forms of oppression in society operate.

"It was through getting involved in other movements, like green issues, that I experienced the constant sexism within them. It occurs both blatantly and in latent forms because, although lots of men try not to be sexist, it's hard to eradicate socialisation.

"Feminism was basically the stepping stone that allowed me to personally develop an understanding of political reality and then bring other things into that."

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