Community sector rallies against cuts by Bracks

August 20, 2003


MELBOURNE — On August 12, 3000 people rallied outside the Treasury building to support the community services sector in the face of funding cuts proposed by Premier Steve Bracks' state Labor government.

Disabled people were out in force on the day, making up a significant section of the rally alongside union members from the community sector.

Victorian Council of Social Services chief executive Cath Smith pointed out that "many [community service organisations] are already only managing to survive because they use volunteers and they fundraise", and that for some of them the cuts "could mean closing down services altogether".

Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary Leigh Hubbard said: "More than one billion [dollars] is given in payroll tax cuts to business in this state ... yet there is nothing for the community sector."

Rebecca Millar, a community sector worker from the Richmond Fellowship of Victoria, told Green Left Weekly of her outraged, stating the cuts are "hitting the most vulnerable in the community".

Tina Anderson, a student from the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, told GLW the state government had the wrong priorities. "They're helping the capitalists, the big businesses, the corporations ... they're not supporting the working class", said Anderson.


From Green Left Weekly, August 20, 2003.
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