Toxic Park Closed

May 4, 1994

Toxic Park Closed

By Jon Land

SYDNEY — A park adjacent to the Olympic 2000 site has been fenced off and closed because of toxic chemicals found in the soil and ground water. A study commissioned by Auburn Council, released on April 18, showed that Wilson Park is contaminated with high levels of chemicals.

Investigators discovered that two large storage pits buried about 1.5 metres below the park were leaking hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metals and cyanide.

Throughout the 12-hectare park, chemicals have oozed to the surface as well as leaking into the ground water. Toxic substances were found to have leaked into the nearby Parramatta River.

The park was once a site for a petrochemical plant, which closed in 1974. Council spokesperson George Toemae said a clean-up operation may take up to 20 years at a cost of $50-100 million.

Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA) activist Amy Phillips told Green Left, "The Homebush industrial area is littered with similar hazardous sites, which are only now being discovered with preparations for the Olympics. Unless the polluters are made to pay, Sydney Harbour will continue to be a dumping ground for industry."

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