Young feminist to stand for women's officer position

September 11, 2002


HOBART — Feminist activist Anthea Stutter is running for the position of Tasmania University Union women's officer on a Resistance ticket. Elections are being held September 10-14.

Stutter helped organise International Women's Day and the Hobart leg of the World March for Women. She is also active in People for Choice and a volunteer member of the Hobart Women's Health Centre board of management.

"Many people my age think that women have won their liberation but there is a still a long way to go", Stutter told Green Left Weekly. "It is especially important that young people get involved in campaigns around social justice issues, which extend beyond campus."

Stutter believes that abortion law reform is a particularly important issue since "the law 'reform' in Tasmania last year did not go far enough. The complete legalisation of abortion — with no restrictions — in the ACT shows what can be achieved".

From Green Left Weekly, September 11, 2002.
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