Thousands rally for abortion rights in the rain

July 1, 2022

More than 2000 people marched through winter rain in Brisbane/Meanjin on July 1 to protest the United States overturning of abortion rights.

"Fuck the Supreme Court" and "My body, my choice" were two of the more popular chants on the march. Other chants raised included "From Brisbane to the USA, fight bigots all the way" and "Divided we fall, united we fight, make some noise for abortion rights".

Labor MP Ali King announced that the Queensland government is planning to begin providing abortion services in two regional public hospitals in central Queensland. This is a significant development, given that private providers have closed regional clinics in the last 12 months.

Other speakers included Daile Kelleher from Children by Choice, Amy MacMahon from the Queensland Greens and Kamala Emanuel, an abortion provider and a member of Socialist Alliance.

Emanuel said that the attack on women and pregnant people in the US should be taken seriously all over the world because it will have a disproportionate impact.

Many speakers emphasised the importance of improving access to abortion in Queensland, not just the legal right.

The march was enthusiastic and passionate with many young people who participating.

More photos can be found on the Green Left Facebook page.

Video: 'Fuck the supreme court!': Thousands rally for abortion rights. Green Left.

Defend abortion, defend healthcare
Defend abortion, defend healthcare. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
"Fuck the Supreme Court" was one of the popular chants
"Fuck the Supreme Court" was one of the popular chants. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Sugar and spice and abortion rights
Sugar and spice and abortion rights. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
We support free, safe, legal abortion
We support free, safe, legal abortion. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
My body, my choice
My body, my choice. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Photo: Alex Bainbridge
My mum already marched for this
My mum already marched for this. Photo: Alex Bainbridge
Front of the march
Front of the march. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

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