New Jabiluka video

August 13, 1998

New Jabiluka video

Keith Armstrong of Queensland Jabiluka Action Group has announced the release of his film, Interstate Ferals for the Planet: 3 Weeks at the Jabiluka Blockade (½ hr VHS).

Armstrong said the video was made "straight after returning from the blockade. It uses footage I shot, plus that collected by other blockaders, as well as excellent footage shown on television over that period. I tried hard to capture the great intensity of that experience, including the mass arrests."

The video aims to show what life at the blockade is like, and encourage people to get active in the campaign and/or travel to the blockade. To this end, it also uses a range of historic footage portraying some of the major worldwide incidents of nuclear contamination and disaster.

From an Australian perspective, it also reminds us of how Labor originally allowed uranium mining in Australia, the commissioning of Ranger, its disastrous predecessors such as the Rum Jungle uranium mine and the tragic nuclear tests in the '50s at Maralinga.

Combining a lively contemporary vision, great music and powerful imagery Interstate Ferals for the Planet was recently the hit of Queensland JAG's film showings at the Brisbane City Hall auditorium.

The video is available at cost recovery rates of $15 donation per copy. Each video is professionally packaged with a designed colour insert and includes an essay about the blockade experience.

Armstrong said, "I would like every JAG around the country to have a copy and every other organisation which thinks it could help with their own campaigns. My only request is that everyone shows it often so that the word can spread!"

If you are interested, send Keith Armstrong an e-mail at <>, or write him at 18 Agars St, Rosalie Qld 4064, or tel. 07 3876 2304 or 0412 749 729.

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