On the box

June 4, 1997

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm.

9point = Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday and Friday at 8pm. Phone (03) 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.

9point = CATv — Subverting the "one-way media" via CATv's regular Sydney program. CTS Sydney, every Thursday, 10.30pm, CTS UHF 31. Ph Karina at 9557 3223 or John at 9569 4963. Visit the web page at http://www.cat.org.au/catv.

9point = One Country, Two Forces — The Royal Hong Kong Police Force celebrated its 150th anniversary in 1995. This documentary discusses how a force that has defended British colonial rule will cope when Hong Kong reverts to Chinese rule this year. SBS, Friday, June 6, 7pm.

9point = Tales from Oceania — An ambitious 13-part series that examines the peoples, cultures and environment of the vast Pacific Ocean in 45 vivid and compelling tales. SBS, every Sunday beginning June 8, 7pm.

9point = The Disorderly House of Windsor — With the true cost of the British monarchy estimated at an astonishing £100,000,000 a year — all paid by the British taxpayer — this film questions whether the party is over for the royal family. ABC-TV, Sunday, June 8, 1pm.

9point = Asientos — In 1528, the first licenses — asientos — to trade in African slaves were granted by the King of Portugal. This program looks at the centuries of suffering bought to the African people by the slave trade. The history is presented through the eyes of a young African who experiences the lives of his ancestors through his imagination. SBS, Sunday, June 8, 8.30pm.

9point = LBJ — A "cinematic pamphlet" by Cuba's "King of Collage", Santiago Alverez. Screening as part of SBS's Auteur TV, this 17-minute film made in 1968 film portrays a divided and violent USA. SBS, Saturday, June 14, 11.45pm.

9point = SonglinesSonglines visits Arnhem land, the home of Yothu Yindi and the legendary Warumpi Band. Also a feature on singer/songwriter Ben Pascoe. The program also examines the indigenous people's love of country music. ABC-TV, Wednesday, June 18, 9.30pm.

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