Anti-war protesters keep up the pressure on Richard Marles

April 30, 2023
Protesters outside Richard Marles' electorate office. Photo: Sarah Hathway

Anti-AUKUS protesters rallied for the third consecutive month, on April 28, outside the Minister for War’s electorate office. Many cars honked in support as workers headed home for the weekend.

Retired Lt Col Lance Collins, a former second in charge of the Australian Army Intelligence Division, addressed the protest about Australian ties to empire and how that dependence had grown in recent decades with the military becoming significantly integrated into the US war machine.

He said the sublimation of Australia’s independence to the US must be resisted or Australia will effectively become its 51st state. Lance served in the Middle East and East Timor.

Others spoke about the best ways to stop AUKUS. Sue Bull from Socialist Alliance said a new mass anti-war movement needed to be built. She said the movement against the war in Vietnam was a slow and difficult task but that there will be a point when the truth will break through and the movement will grow quickly.

“Keep on keeping on” was the message we all needed to hear.


Outside Richard Marles electorate office. Photo: Sarah Hathway

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